Price Watcher & Crawler Software

Finds and checks price changes around the globe by using its well-behaved robots.

✓ No credit card required  ✓ 14-day free trial

robot price watcher software and price crawler software

Monitor competitor prices with no effort

Our price watcher software collects competitors’ price information and displays all in one UI. All you need to do is to observe the data to reveal your rivals’ long-term strategies.

Watches Prices for You
Competitor Price Positions
One UI to See All
Your Arsenal for a Price War

Beat any competitors’ prices

Be the cheapest in any product, brand, or category you specify. Beat anyone’s prices without spending a minute on price tracking or repricing, let our price crawler tool handle the work.

Star Star Star Star Star

"This saves time scrawling the internet manually and means that we can just log in to one portal and see a summary of our price positioning at any given time."

Katy W.
man beats competitor prices

Start selling more at improved profit margins

Flexible prices will help you immediately adapt your strategy to the changing conditions of the market. Whenever there’s room, dynamic prices the software sets will improve profit margins without underlying your competitiveness.

  1. 1. Watch over prices
  2. 2. Set strategies
  3. 3. Win pricing wars

Pricing for Prisync

Choose the service that fits you best.  Try any plan free for 14 days. Cancel anytime. No credit card required.

URL Based Competitor Monitoring allows you to add competitor URLs one by one or simply in bulk per product.
This path is recommended for store owners who tend to have a less dynamic competitor listing.



per month
Up to 100 Products



per month
Up to 1000 Products​



per month
Up to 5000 Products

* API access will be charged for an extra 20% on top of your monthly subscription fee.

** Competitor matching service is available to order.

*** Need to track over 5000 products? 💬 Start chatting for your specific use case.

Channel Based Competitor Monitoring allows you to stay up-to-date with competitors by keeping a particular focus on specific sales channels. It ensures you track all your competitors on your sales channels, including the ones you have never heard of.



per month
Up to 100 Products​



per month
Up to 1000 Products​



per month
Up to 5000 Products

* API access will be charged for an extra 20% on top of your monthly subscription fee.

** Competitor matching service is available to order.

*** Need to track over 5000 products? 💬 Start chatting for your specific use case.

The Hybrid Model is a comprehensive solution allowing you to monitor your preferred sales channels and must-track URLs that are inactive on those channels. It powers up your pricing intelligence with 360 coverage.



per month
Up to 100 Products​



per month
Up to 1000 products



per month
Up to 5000 Products

* API access will be charged for an extra 20% on top of your monthly subscription fee.

** Competitor matching service is available to order.

*** Need to track over 5000 products? 💬 Start chatting for your specific use case.

! Daily price change notifications for the products that come from channels. Instant e-mail notifications for the price changes of manually added competitors.

!! Prices are updated daily for the products that come from channels. The prices of manually added competitors will be updated 3 times a day.

Frequently Asked Questions

Price watcher & crawler is a software that provides you price changes in a wide framework in e-commerce with advanced automation. With this software of Prisync, you can easily be aware of the price changes you want to reach out.

Reaching competitor price positions will no longer be a tiring process for you. Let Prisync's price watcher & crawler software monitor prices for you. Only one user interface is enough for this task.

Prisync's price watcher & crawler software works as a collector of information. Automation works on gathering the price datas of your competitor and other price changes that your business wants to notice. The main purpose of Prisync's software is to make an error-free follow-up by preventing loss of time and effort. Thus, you can grow your online store with the most accurate strategies and pricing policies.

It is very important to hold on to the competition in e-commerce. Prisync, with its price watcher & crawler software, gives you a well-protected arsenal at price wars and a sharp scope to keep a close eye on the enemies. This will make you stand out from the competition and have a more visible and profitable store.

Prisync price watcher & crawler software saves time for your business by tracking the competitors you have determined and if you want, you can sell at the cheapest price in your category. It will now be very easy to quickly re-price based on the detailed information about price changes. With Prisync software, it's easy to stay practical, dynamic, and profitable by not missing out on anything.

Trusted by more than 700 brands and stores worldwide!

Online merchants from more than 50 countries are growing their profit margins and saving tons of time with Prisync’s price watcher software & price crawler software.

Your turn to power your store with Prisync

Don’t lose customers for better prices anymore!​ Try before you buy. 14 days for free. No credit cards or contracts needed.