
Prisync | Blog

Attract and retain customers with actionable pricing strategies in the ecommerce arena and increase your competitive edge.

E-Commerce Personalization 02
February 28, 2017

E-Commerce Personalization: A Page-by-Page Guide

Remember that joke that did the rounds on LinkedIn a few years ago? “Big Data is like teenage sex - everyone is talking about it but nobody is actually doing it” Well, for many, the… Continue Reading

July 5, 2016

Conversion Funnels: Optimization Best Practices

Every sale involves guiding a buyer through certain steps to ensure successful completion. This process is referred to as the conversion funnel. Considering each step of the process in isolation is a good way of detecting ̶ and solving ̶ potential problems. In today's guest post on Prisync Blog, Irene from Actinic will share how they treat the conversion funnel… Continue Reading

June 15, 2016

Cosmetics Ecommerce: What Businesses Need to Know

The cosmetics sector has an upward trend of growth and considering its ecommerce integration it seems like it will grow even more. Online retailing of cosmetics and personal care is a popular sector and ecommerce businesses utilize social media, offline marketing events, YouTubers, blogs, and more to create more conversions, and engagement and build their brand awareness. Cosmetics products are… Continue Reading